Research Interests

We are interested in solving real-world problems using cutting-edge data-driven solutions. Specifically, my research focus can be broadly sorted in to three directions, including Multimodal Event Forecasting, Computational Fashion, and Recommender System. More importantly, I endeavour to apply these research outcomes in multiple inter-disciplinary domains, including international politics, cyber security, financial technology, fashion, music, as well as E-commerce. Here is my Google Scholar. Here are my detailed research topics:
  • Multimodal Event Forecasting
         - International Political Event Detection and Forecasting
         - Cyber Threat Intelligence Analysis and Prediction
         - Financial Market and Macro-Economy Index Forecasting
  • Computational Fashion
         - Fahion Trend Forecasting
         - Generative and Personalized Mix-and-Match
         - Fashion Report Generation
  • Recommender System
         - Personalized Bundle Recommendation
         - Bundle Construction and Generation
         - Multimodal Pre-training for Recommendation